Drs. Koichi Masuda, Steven Garfin, Nozomu Inoue, and Richard Lieber (from left to right) outside of the UCSD-Doshisha University Imaging Center
Drs. Inoue and Garfin cut the ribbon.
The celebration begins.
Dr. Masuda opens the door to the imaging center.
Dr. Lieber demonstrates how the Leica SP5 confocal microscope works.
Dr. Inoue with the new microscope.
Andrea Pallante (left), Mary-Ellen Lenz (right), and Drs. Steven Garfin, Richard Lieber, Robert Sah, Eric Varley (left to right) prepare to begin tours of the facility
Karen Bowden demonstrates commonly used histological techniques.
Microscopes used for image acquisition and analysis in the histology room.
Shannon Bremner and Dr. Viviane Buller demonstrate the effects of botulinum neurotoxin on muscle.
Mechanical setups to perform both active and passive mechanical studies on muscle tissue.
Robert Healey demonstrates biomechanical studies performed on tendon.
Dr. Aseem Hemmad demonstrated dissection of bovine intervertebral discs as Drs. Diane Gregory and Stephen Brown observe.
Pipetting robot and real-time PCR machines located in the Molecular Biology room.
PCR equipment located in the Molecular Biology room.
Megan Bokar and Drs. Raji Pichika and Tomoaki Yoshikawa demonstrate 3D analysis of micro-CT images.
Fred Harwood and Lucas Puttock demonstrate high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Tony Hofer of the Masuda lab demonstrates behavioral techniques to monitor pain levels in animal models.